On-Demand Webinar

Uma visão profissional e prática sobre Manutenção Prescritiva

Neste Webinar, a especialista da AspenTech Fúlvia Borges vai demonstrar como informações para tomadas de decisão embasadas em dados e usando Inteligência Artificial e Machine Learning podem mitigar problemas de manutenção e melhorar produtividade.

On-Demand Webinar

A Practitioner’s View of Prescriptive Maintenance

You’ve heard of Prescriptive Maintenance (RxM), but how can you leverage it to drive real value in your organization? In this on-demand webinar, AspenTech’s Ryan Conger demonstrates how data-driven insights from AI and machine learning mitigate maintenance issues and improve productivity. Through a series of case studies, Ryan shows how Prescriptive Maintenance is being used to:

On-Demand Webinar


在当前动荡,不确定,复杂且不明确(VUCA)的环境中,炼油厂需要保持敏捷和集成的运营,以减少利润流失。 在AspenTech®,我们最近推出了Aspen Unified™和aspenONE® V12解决方案,让企业能够实行生产和价值链优化,并向自优化工厂迈出关键一步。

On-Demand Webinar

aspenONE® V12资产绩效管理新内容

在当前动荡、不确定、复杂且不明确(VUCA)的环境下,企业管理的风险不断增加,包含设备管理,可靠性管理和工艺管理的资产绩效管理愈加关键。因此AspenTech®最近发布了aspenONE APM V12,旨在通过加强AI技术的应用,帮助企业优化资产的全生命周期。 在此网络研讨会中,AspenTech专家将探讨Aspen Event Analytics™,旨在快速调查事件,加速纠正行动决策;Aspen Maestro™ 的AI协助将机器学习与领域专业知识结合,增加预测性维护的实施效率及通过Aspen ProMV™,利用大数据分析模型实现工艺的自优化。


Examining the Global Energy Transition: A Conversation

Lee Nichols of Hydrocarbon Processing magazine and Carole Nakhle of Crystol Energy joined us to talk about how shifting external pressures and the promise of digitalization are impacting the energy industry.

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