Press Release

Aspen Technology, Inc. Appoints Dr. Tom Bradicich to Its Board of Directors

Aspen Technology Appoints Dr Tom Bradicich to Its Board of Directors


Oil Industry CEOs Explore Different Paths to Energy's Future

A report from the annual International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC), held this year in Dahran, Saudi Arabia.


Is Good Enough, Good Enough?

A step change in quality or processing time of your final products could be a process change away, but what do you try first? How do you know if this is even an option?


¿Qué Traerá el 2020 Para la Industria en América Latina?

Aún existe incertidumbre en América Latina, pero las empresas deben hacer todo lo posible para continuar operando como jugadores clave en la economía regional.

On-Demand Webinar

Optimize the Integrated Crude Distillation and Preheat Train Unit with Aspen HYSYS®

Optimizing the operations of the integrated unit comprised of the crude distillation column and the crude preheat train has been a challenge for most refineries, given the difficulty in analyzing the unit as a whole. However, with the ‘equation-oriented’ solver technology in Aspen HYSYS, refineries can build a robust integrated model of their crude distillation column and pre-heat train network. Learn how to employ these advanced capabilities and improve your CDU operations today.


EPCs Can Beat the Clock With New Technology

In our outlook for the engineering, procurement and construction industry in 2020, it is all about finding the best options as quickly as possible.


Feeling a Little VUCA?

In this brief video, Antonio Pietri discusses the concept of VUCA and what that means for Industry 4.0 and digitalization in the smart enterprise.

On-Demand Webinar

Using Engineering Simulations to Improve Refining Planning and Scheduling Decisions

Petroleum refining planning and scheduling models created using Aspen PIMS™ and Aspen Petroleum Scheduler are essential for making key decisions regarding feedstock selection and refinery operating conditions that affect refining profit margins. Engineering simulations in Aspen HYSYS® Petroleum Refining can help improve the accuracy of the planning and scheduling models to increase refining profit margins. View this on-demand webinar to gain an understanding of how to improve petroleum refining margins with better collaboration among Engineering, Planning, and Scheduling groups.

On-Demand Webinar

Rapidly Deploy a Refinery-Wide Process Model for Improved Profit Margin Analysis

Learn how refineries can address their reconfiguration and operational challenges with a robust and manageable refinery-wide process model developed using Aspen HYSYS.

On-Demand Webinar

Learn Best Practices to Better Simulate your Refinery Operations

Complex processes present a challenge for refinery operations. The operational risks involved call for accurate analysis of plant behavior before making any changes to operations. Process simulation technology specialized in refining such as Aspen HYSYS Petroleum Refining® enables engineers to accurately simulate refinery operations to aid better decisions. Learn how you can leverage the latest technological innovations to make better operational decisions.

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