Press Release

Messer Adopts Aspen Technology Software to Help Improve Efficiency and Margins

Messer Adopts Aspen Technology Software to Help Improve Efficiency and Margins


The Value of Performance Engineering

Performance engineering is all about pushing the boundaries of existing concepts, designs and asset constraints to create new higher performing designs and operations. Learn how it works.


Collaboration in the Chemicals Supply Chain

When chemical companies align planning, operations and supply chain, margins and agility improve.

Case Study

Dos fallas inminentes se detuvieron a las dos semanas del monitoreo

Lea cómo esta compañía minera utilizó Aspen Mtell para predecir dos posibles fallas cuando se implementó en 12 activos durante un breve piloto en línea. Permitiendo así, un tiempo de inactividad planificado de equipos críticos, ahorrando dinero por cortes inesperados.


Leadership Capabilities Are Critical in the Digital Era

Retired U.S. Army Brigadier General Becky Halstead knows about leading under pressure, which is why businesses turn to her to help them navigate change and uncertainty.


It’s a VUCA World – Make Sure Your Supply Chain Is Prepared

When supply chain and operations are aligned, chemical companies gain a competitive advantage.

Press Release

Aspen Technology Announces Financial Results for the First Quarter of Fiscal 2020

Aspen Technology Announces Financial Results for the First Quarter of Fiscal 2020


Aspen Mtell for Metals & Mining: What is an Agent?

Aspen Mtell is a prescriptive maintenance solution that uses Agents to recognize asset failures earlier and with greater accuracy. View this video to learn what an Agent is, what they do, how they are created and how they work—to safeguard equipment, people and the environment.


Aspen Mtell para Minería y Metales: ¿Qué es un agente?

Aspen Mtell® es una solución de mantenimiento prescriptivo que utiliza agentes para reconocer fallas de activos con anticipación y con mayor precisión que otras herramientas. Conozca cómo trabajan los agentes para la industria de minería y metales: vea lo que hacen, cómo se crean y cómo protegen a los equipos, las personas y al medio ambiente.


Road to the Digital Mine

Strategically leverage data with technology to quickly capture savings and increase profits to create the mine of the future. View this infographic and discover the recommended steps to transform data into value on the Road to the Digital Mine.

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