Case Study

Powerful Reservoir History Matching Significantly Improves Productivity

Learn how the powerful reservoir history matching capability in Aspen Tempest™ ENABLE helped a large North American energy company improve productivity and gain a better understanding of the reservoir to support business and financial decisions.

Case Study

Top Diesel and Naphtha Producer Uses Product and Process Quality Analytics to Reduce Flaring, Emissions

ORYX GTL Limited is a gas-to-liquids (GTL) diesel and naphtha producer located in Doha, Qatar. The company is committed to reducing its carbon production through the minimization of flaring. By implementing AspenTech´s product and process quality analytics solution, Aspen ProMV®, ORYX was able to increase its diesel and naphtha yield.

Case Study

GSK Avoids Batch Loss with Aspen Process Pulse™ and Aspen Unscrambler™

GSK, a leading multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company, consistently seeks innovative solutions to develop new vaccines and specialty medicines efficiently and with top quality. In pursuit of this goal, they sought a solution to address pH variability in bioreactors, aiming to mitigate risks to product batches and reduce process drift and equipment failures.

Case Study

Argentina’s Largest Oil and Gas Company Improves Reliability and Efficiency with Aspen Mtell®

YPF, Argentina’s largest oil and gas company, partnered with AspenTech to digitally transform their operations, aiming to quadruple their value by becoming a crude oil and LNG exporter while enhancing refinery efficiency.

Case Study

Prescriptive Maintenance Solution Delivers Earlier, More Accurate Warning of Asset Failure for Integrated O&G Company

Discover how an integrated oil and gas company partnered with AspenTech in their digital transformation journey to address challenges within their most crucial oil and gas central processing fields.

Case Study

How Iberdrola Uses DERMS to Assess Flexibility on a Renewables-Heavy Grid

The Iberdrola Group is driving Spain toward a future powered by 100% renewables. In 2007, Iberdrola made clean energy adoption the central pillar in its corporate strategy. Starting with large investments in wind energy, the company has since evolved to develop and deploy utility-scale solar, energy storage, smart grids and digital technologies.

Case Study

Specialty Chemicals Producer Reduces Off-Spec Product With Aspen ProMV®

A leading global producer of catalyst solutions and specialty chemicals faced a significant challenge as a result of light impurities causing product quality issues in its downstream production units. By implementing Aspen ProMV, the company witnessed a rapid time to value, with analysis and modeling completed in a fraction of the time required by competing solutions.

Case Study

Brazilian Pulp Producer Improves Planning, Decision-Making with Industrial AI

Discover how Eldorado Brasil, a leading pulp producer, revolutionized their production processes with industrial AI. Seeking to optimize efficiency, reduce waste and minimize resource consumption, Eldorado used Aspen Hybrid Models, combining the power of AI with Aspen Plus® first principles modeling.

Case Study

Austin Utilities Increases Resilience and Reliability with Cloud-Based SCADA to Drive Automation

Learn how Austin Utilities sought a solution that would support their evolution to an intelligent electric, gas and water network that provides more reliable, safe and secure service for their customers.

Case Study

PNM Uses Real-Time, Transmission DERMS to Decarbonize Generation Portfolio

During a time of great change, Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) remains the state’s largest electricity provider, serving more than 530K New Mexico residential and business customers. In 2019, New Mexico passed the Energy Transition Act, which mandates PNM and other utilities generate 100% carbon-free electricity by 2045.

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