
Aspen Unified™

Aspen Unified is the next-generation planning, scheduling and yield accounting solution that enables companies to increase margins and save time by coordinating siloed business processes for better efficiency across the value chain.


Aspen Mtell® Brochure

Aspen Mtell uses data-driven predictive maintenance technology to deliver the earliest, most accurate warning of equipment failures. It empowers organizations to take a proactive approach, minimizing disruptions, ensuring a safer work environment, and delivering a rapid return on investment for diverse industries.


AspenTech Inmation for Downstream

Unlock business value from industrial data across the enterprise.


AspenTech Inmation for Metals & Mining

Unlock business value from industrial data across the enterprise.


Aspen Epos™

Aspen Epos is the data platform that underpins AspenTech® Subsurface Science & Engineering (SSE) solutions. From a single project to a network of shared data, the open, innovative Aspen Epos data management infrastructure empowers multi-disciplinary teams to collaborate on projects and interact in a common visualization environment.


Aspen InfoPlus.21 for Downstream

Aspen InfoPlus.21® (IP.21) is an industrial process historian for collecting and storing large volumes of process data for analysis and reporting. With Aspen IP.21, you can drive performance improvements and optimize decision making through near real-time asset visibility, analysis and monitoring.


Aspen InfoPlus.21® for Downstream

Learn how Aspen InfoPlus.21 creates a complete picture of production operations


The State of Industrial Data

This infographic illustrates how organizations use their industrial data today.


Better Together: AspenTech Inmation and Aspen Mtell

This brochure explains how to use industrial data for prescriptive and predictive maintenance with AspenTech solutions.


Aspen Plus®: 화학 산업을 위한 프로세스 시뮬레이션

Aspen Plus는 벌크 화학 (Bulk Chemicals), 특수 화학 (Specialty Chemicals) 및 제약 산업을 위해 개발된 선도적인 프로세스 시뮬레이션 솔루션으로 플랜트 설계 및 운전 전반을 최적화함으로써 안전, 효율성, 장치 상태 및 수익성 개선을 지원합니다.

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