Case Study

Westlake Chemical Improves Reaction Time from Hours to Minutes

Learn how Westlake assesses time sensitive supply chain opportunities, such as accepting a modified customer order, in a matter of minutes using Aspen Plant Scheduler rather than four hours using previous spreadsheet methods.

Case Study

Korea's SK E&C Reduces Engineering Estimating Man-Hours by 50% With Aspen Capital Cost Estimator™

Learn how SK Engineering & Construction improved the speed and accuracy of their capital project cost estimates with Aspen Capital Cost Estimator (ACCE).

Case Study

Saudi Aramco Increases Refinery Capacity by 100,000 Barrels/Day Using Plant Digital Twin

Learn how Saudi Aramco used Aspen HYSYS to analyze feasibility of refinery reconfiguration plans by developing plant digital twins of multiple units. The new reconfiguration plan projects a 100,000 barrels/day increase in the refinery’s processing capacity, a substantial reduction in fuel oil production together with a significant boost in diesel production capacity.

Case Study

Refinery Gets Asset Failure Predictions with Nearly a Month of Lead Time

Because traditional diagnostic methods weren’t preventing equipment failures or identifying root causes of historic failures, a U.S. refinery turned to Aspen Mtell prescriptive maintenance to improve internal data science resources. Download this case study to learn how this refinery's pilot program with Aspen Mtell was able to predict failures with nearly one month of lead time, enabling planning for maintenance and rescheduling production.

Case Study

Global Energy Company Improves Safety and Asset Integrity with Machine Learning

In this case study learn how a global oil and gas company was able to detect and predict a variety of pending equipment failures. Download today to uncover how Aspen Mtell enabled the company to correctly identify all reported events – as well as unknown problems.


The Importance of Seeing the Whole Picture

Aspen Enterprise Insights™ enables you to visualize data across your enterprise, giving you actionable information to make the best decisions.

Executive Brief

Digital Acceleration Opens a New Frontier of Value Creation

In asset-intensive industries, IIoT and digitalization technologies are paving the way to increased profitability and reliability. However, capturing this opportunity does not require a full-scale digital transformation. This paper discusses how to apply these technologies where they will create the most impact, and outlines three keys to success when embarking on your digital acceleration journey.

Executive Brief



Executive Brief

La aceleración digital da pase a una nueva frontera de creación de valor

En las industrias intensivas en activos, las tecnologías IIoT y de digitalización están abriendo el camino para incrementar la rentabilidad y la confiabilidad. Sin embargo, capturar esta oportunidad no requiere una transformación digital a gran escala. Este documento explica cómo aplicar estas tecnologías donde generarán el mayor impacto, y describe tres claves alcanzar el éxito cuando decida iniciar su transformación en la digital.

White Paper

Digital Twin y la empresa inteligente

En todo el mundo, las organizaciones lideres están adaptando e implementado tecnologías digitales avanzadas. La travesía de transformación digital cambiará la naturaleza de las industrias intensivas de activos, particularmente los negocios de energía y químicos. En ese contexto, Digital Twin — (copias virtuales de activos físicos y sus comportamientos operativos) tendrán papeles clave. Para los gemelos digitales que creemos hoy, un concepto clave es la inteligencia artificial que proporciona información y asesoramiento sobre los datos virtuales. Descargue este White Paper para conocer sobre estas claves esenciales en su estrategia de digital twin:

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