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Austin Utilities Increases Resilience and Reliability with Cloud-Based SCADA to Drive Automation

Learn how Austin Utilities sought a solution that would support their evolution to an intelligent electric, gas and water network that provides more reliable, safe and secure service for their customers.

Located in southeastern Minnesota, Austin Utilities is a community-owned, not-for-profit electric distribution utility that also provides water and natural gas. It serves more than 12,000 customers in the area.

For years, Austin Utilities had used an on-premise SCADA system, but they were looking at upgrading to improve resiliency and operational excellence. Specifically, they wanted to explore options that would address current challenges with heavy maintenance requirements that required extra staff and long and complicated system upgrades while also raising cybersecurity concerns.

In this case study, discover how Austin Utilities embraced innovation and a commitment to enhancing reliability, safety and security for their customers by implementing a comprehensive intelligent network solution for electricity, gas and water.

Austin Utilities Increases Resilience and Reliability with Cloud-Based SCADA to Drive Automation

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Austin Utilities Increases Resilience and Reliability with Cloud-Based SCADA to Drive Automation

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