Aspen EarthStudy 360

A full-azimuth angle domain imaging and analysis system designed to image, characterize, visualize and interpret the total seismic wavefield in all directions, providing a highly accurate and detailed description of the subsurface.

Aspen OpsLink

A client-server application that allows operating companies to make rapid and informed decisions during well operations, minimizing risks and costs and maximizing productivity. Fast and flexible access to real-time WITSML-based operational data provides key information required by asset teams.

Aspen Sysdrill

An integrated suite of well planning and drilling engineering solutions designed to optimize workflow efficiency with greater accuracy and safety throughout the well construction process.

Aspen GeoDepth

Advanced velocity determination and 3D/2D velocity model building create accurate, high-quality, interpretable seismic images in time and depth.

Aspen SeisEarth

Fast, multi-survey structural and stratigraphic interpretation and visualization, enabling multiple users to collaborate in a single shared environment.


An integrated flow assurance and production modeling software solution that provides flow performance calculations for wells and flow lines, and integrated field modeling for life-of-field simulation and optimization.

Aspen Echos

Advanced seismic processing and imaging to condition data for depth imaging, seismic characterization and interpretation, and pore pressure prediction projects.

Aspen Fleet Forecasting

Improve the accuracy of your demand forecasting to support transportation scheduling with Aspen Fleet Forecasting.

Aspen DMC3 Builder

Aspen DMC3 Builder helps you manage the entire lifecycle of APC controllers with a single, powerful, integrated platform.

Aspen GDOT

Aspen GDOT technology, now powered by Industrial AI, improves margins while achieving sustainability objectives by dynamically optimizing multiple process units in real time.

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