
Taking Refiners to New Heights

Like the adage, “Strike while the iron is hot,” timing is an important consideration for refineries looking to take advantage of a rising energy market that is expected to continue throughout 2022 and beyond, according to many economists.


AspenTech Dynamic Optimization Technology Recognized for Achievements in Refining

The award recognized the AspenTech's successful track record of nearly two decades delivering significant improvements in margin and energy efficiency through its innovative closed loop, multi-unit dynamic optimization technology.


The Time for Hydrogen is Now

"From the moment I entered the exhibition hall, I could feel the excitement and the importance of the event."


Sustainability Gumbo – International Style

What happens when you bring together four leading voices on the future of energy and sustainability? Join us at OPTIMIZE 2021 to find out.


AspenTech es ganador triple en los Hydrocarbon Processing Awards 2021

AspenTech obtiene el reconocimiento de la industria downstream por sus innovaciones que aceleran las iniciativas de digitalización y sustentabilidad de los clientes.


AspenTech is a 3x Winner of the 2021 Hydrocarbon Processing Awards

AspenTech is honored to win three Hydrocarbon Processing Awards. Learn why products like Aspen GDOT, Aspen Unified PIMS and Aspen Hybrid Models were selected in today’s blog.


Which Technologies Will Help Determine the Winners in the Energy Transition?

As energy companies navigate short-term profitability and long-term investment in energy transition, digital technology has become the key swing player.


Has COVID-19 Defined a New Path for the Energy Industry?

The prevailing sentiment is that COVID-19 shock will be transitory and that the economy, energy demand and prices will adjust. So far, the crisis has left us with more questions than answers.


The Paradigm of Industrial AI: Use Cases Are Delivering Business Value

In our latest AI series blog, we look at how Industrial AI is shaping digitalization strategies and explore use cases that are propelling AI adoption in the industrial sector.


S'épanouir dans la "Nouvelle Normalité" Nécessite une Usine Auto-Optimisée

Nous entendons beaucoup parler de la "nouvelle normalité" et de ce que cela impliquera, mais le fait est que nous ne savons pas vraiment à quoi ressemblera cette prochaine phase. Elle est encore définie par les conditions sanitaires mondiales, la politique internationale, l'évolution des réglementations et la situation générale de l'économie. C'est une grande incertitude qui nous assaille à grande échelle.

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