Sitecore Version 10.1
Case Study

Control Column Performance Using Aspen HYSYS®

Learn how Tupras used the column analysis capability in Aspen HYSYS and its integration with Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating to significantly increase the column capacity and meet the required product specifications.

Case Study

Controle el desempeño de columnas con un Digital Twin de planta usando Aspen HYSYS®

Conozca cómo Tupras utilizó el análisis de columnas en Aspen HYSYS en conjunto con Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating para incrementar en un 40% la capacidad de columna y al mismo tiempo cumplir con las especificaciones de calidad del producto.

Case Study

Saudi Aramco Increases Refinery Capacity by 100,000 Barrels/Day Using Plant Digital Twin

Learn how Saudi Aramco used Aspen HYSYS to analyze feasibility of refinery reconfiguration plans by developing plant digital twins of multiple units. The new reconfiguration plan projects a 100,000 barrels/day increase in the refinery’s processing capacity, a substantial reduction in fuel oil production together with a significant boost in diesel production capacity.

Case Study

European Refinery Tackles Heat Exchange Issues and Saves Millions in the Process

Learn how a European refinery saved $4 MM per year by implementing an automated fouling monitoring application utilizing Aspen HYSYS, Aspen EDR and MS Excel.

Case Study

European Refinery Tackles Heat Exchange Issues and Saves Millions in the Process

Learn how a European refinery saved $4M per year by implementing an automated fouling monitoring application utilizing Aspen HYSYS, Aspen EDR and MS Excel.

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