Case Study

Shell Adopts Global Supply Chain Process to Increase Profitability and Drive an “Enterprise First” Strategy

After the company identified uncommon operating procedures at each of its many refineries — which led to inefficiencies and lower margins — Shell launched “Enterprise First,” an initiative designed to standardize processes and technology across the organization. The key to driving this strategy — and meeting its objectives — is an integrated aspenONE® Supply Chain Management solution that helps Shell optimize refinery production, reduce costs and increase margin.

Case Study

Global Supermajor Deploys Aspen PIMS-AO™ Globally

This case study details the methodical approach a global supermajor took, utilizing best-in-class technology, to improve production planning in global refineries and chemical plants with Aspen PIMS-AO technology. Based on side-by-side testing of different technologies, Aspen PIMS-AO led to new insights, increased confidence in results and enhanced conversations with traders.

Case Study

大型私有石油和天然气公司在全球部署Aspen PIMS-AO™系统

本案例研究详细介绍了一家全球超级巨头采用的系统方法,该方法利用一流技术,利用Aspen PIMS-AO技术改进全球炼油厂和化工厂的生产计划。基于对不同技术的并行测试,Aspen PIMS-AO带来了新的见解,增强了对利润结果的信心,并加强了与交易者的对话。

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