Sitecore Version 10.1

Partner Types

Partner Type Definition
Advisory AspenTech collaborates with top consultancy and advisory firms who specialize in business transformation. Keeping these thought leaders informed and aware of our products and successes supports these firms in providing comprehensive advice to their customers.
ISP AspenTech ISPs provide industry-leading services supporting aspen ONE® and have track records of successful system integrations, upgrades and performance monitoring events to draw upon. Certain ISPs provide Managed Hosting Services (MHS) to enable licensees of specific AspenTech products access to their software through the cloud.
Managed Hosted Services AspenTech collaborates with Global Industry Leaders who provide hosting services directly to AspenTech licensees to deploy their AspenTech infrastructure in the cloud. The cloud providers handle the administration, management and support of the infrastructure ensuring efficiency gains across operations and services.
Preferred Preferred Partners in the AspenTech Partner Program have demonstrated a high level of commitment and capability in providing solutions to customers using AspenTech offerings. These partners enjoy greater access to AspenTech resources and benefits as a result of their preferred status.
Solution Provider AspenTech reseller partners have the demonstrated product, industry and system’s integration expertise to deliver complete solution offerings to our customers.
Technology AspenTech has developed partnerships with the most prestigious experts who embed, integrate and/or bundle AspenTech software with their industry-tailored experience to deliver predictable success and provide automation solutions.
Training Service Partner AspenTech has selected the following third-party training service providers to facilitate training for our customers in their focus territories. AspenTech training partners have the demonstrated product and industry knowledge to deliver complete solution offerings to our customers.