On-Demand Webinar

Aspen Plus晶析モデルと活用事例の紹介

Aspen Plusのバッチ晶析モデルについて紹介します。速度論型の核生成/成長モデルを考慮することで、蒸発晶析や冷却晶析、貧溶媒晶析など多種に渡る晶析プロセスを取り扱うことができます。本モデルを活用することで、バッチ晶析プロセスにおける実験回数の削減、運転条件の最適化検討などが可能となります。

On-Demand Webinar

Aspen plusの新機能バッチろ過モデルの紹介

Aspen Plusのバッチろ過モデルについて紹介します。BatchOpモデルは反応、晶析、濾過のバッチモデルであり、晶析から濾過の一貫としたプロセスの検討を行うことができます。

On-Demand Webinar

Aspen plusの新機能バッチ乾燥モデルの紹介

Aspen Plusのバッチ乾燥機モデルについて紹介します。バッチ乾燥シミュレーションを行うことで、運転操作の最適化が可能になります。

On-Demand Webinar

Pharma TechOps: Why Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Should Embrace Machine Learning – Now

The latest Asset Performance Management (APM) solutions are enabling pharmaceutical companies to protect their supply chain, increase asset utilization and avoid unplanned downtime by accurately predicting when equipment anomalies will occur, understanding why they do and prescribing what to do to avoid a potential failure.

On-Demand Webinar


再此网络研讨会中,艾斯本专家们讨论了Aspen PIMS-AO,Aspen Petroleum Scheduler,Aspen炼油厂多混合优化器和新的Aspen GDOT的新增强功能。

On-Demand Webinar

What’s New in aspenONE® V11 Petroleum Supply Chain

View this on-demand webinar and learn how to boost profitability by closing the gap between planning and actual operations with the new release of aspenONE V11. Experts discuss the new enhancements to Aspen PIMS-AO, Aspen Petroleum Scheduler, Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer and the new Aspen GDOT. Discover how to streamline your workflow as you set more ambitious planning goals!

Executive Brief



On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Webinar: What’s New in aspenONE® V11 APC

With the introduction of centralized performance monitoring in aspenONE APC V11, organizations can improve operating margins across the enterprise by providing greater visibility into APC benefits and performance. New non-linear capabilities in Aspen DMC3™ enable you to extend controller features and functionality to non-linear processes.

On-Demand Webinar

Webinar with MOL and Saras: Managing Change Optimizing Performance through Digitalization

As the energy industry continues to be challenged by a volatile global market, there are steps companies can take now to adapt to evolving demands, maximize margins and improve sustainability. Join industry leaders Saras and MOL Group as they detail recent projects where innovations in digital twin technology, predictive analytics and prescriptive maintenance delivered measurable, strategic value for both the short and long term.

Executive Brief

Improve Engineering Efficiency and Boost Operating Margins With Digital Excellence Solutions

The process industries are now more than ever being reshaped through digital initiatives, with the intent to become more proficient in designing, building and operating process plants. In this executive brief, read how AspenTech and Hexagon are working together to help engineering firms and plant owners realize their digitalization journey.

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