Aspen RMS™

A comprehensive geoscience and reservoir engineering collaboration platform, offering geophysicists, geologists and reservoir engineers a shared space to compile, visualize and manage a wide range of subsurface data for fields of any size and complexity.

Enable Smart, Interactive Reservoir Modeling for Superior Results in Less Time

Model Complex Facies of Depositional Enviroments

Leverage a new, unique algorithm to easily model geological facies using a combination of hierarchical modeling and Pluri-Gaussian simulation.

Enable Data Connectivity

Enable reservoir modeling workflow with OSDU® Reservoir Data Management Services using RESQML/ETP to access, support and collaborate with multi-disciplinary integrated data.

Empower Decision Making

Quantify reservoir uncertainties and reduce geological risk across the entire value chain.

Accelerate Field Development

Streamline exploration through stronger collaboration and a deeper analysis of the reservoir.

Aspen RMS 3D modeling software enables users to integrate information coming from multiple sources, perform interpretations and build reservoir models for which uncertainties on both data and interpretations can be captured and propagated across the workflow. RMS provides an interdisciplinary perspective to manage and optimize the reservoir’s potential, with the ability to leverage the seismic data and accommodate complex geologies. The result is faster, more robust and more reliable production models.


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Whats new in V14