Aspen Unified Scheduling™



Increase Margins and Save Time by Aligning Schedule with Optimal Plan

Leverage industrial AI to create a feasible schedule using the optimal plan results and capturing schedulers’ valuable knowledge, improving margins and reducing emissions by closing the gap between plan and schedule – all while saving time with automation.

Optimize Blends Across a Longer Time Horizon

Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer (MBO) has been the leading refinery blend optimizer for many years, and now it comes to Unified enabling higher margin and reduced quality giveaway – up to one month in advance, ensuring most efficient use of blend stocks.

Easily Develop and Implement Models

Develop a scheduling model from your existing Unified PIMS model, then link data and models between planning and scheduling with model catalogs.

Operate More Stably

Predict and communicate unit rates and yields, stream compositions and inventory levels to run your refinery more stably and reliably.


Aspen Unified PIMS

Aspen Unified PIMS™

Improve responsiveness and agility with the most trusted production planning software.

Aspen Petroleum Scheduler

Aspen Petroleum Scheduler™

Manage today’s rapidly-changing environment by scheduling all key activities with a refinery-wide view of the schedule.

Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer™

Maximize refinery margins by reducing off-spec blend and quality giveaway with simultaneous multi-period blend optimization for linear and nonlinear blending.

Industrial AI for Planning – Aspen Virtual Advisor AVA for Unified PIMS (AUP)™

Original use of industrial AI provides guidance for easier production planning in refinery LP models.

Whats new in V14