Case Study

Braskem Implements Aspen DMC3 to Deploy Controllers in Just Two Weeks and Immediately Accrues Benefits

Braskem is the largest petrochemical company in Latin America, the leading producer of polypropylene in the United States, and the eighth-largest resin producer worldwide. Braskem used Adaptive Process Control within Aspen DMC3 to deploy controllers in just two weeks to start accruing benefits immediately. The benefits included lowered energy usage by 20%, increased production rates and reduced process variability. Download this case study today to learn more about the benefits Braskem realized by using Aspen DMC3 and discover how to achieve these benefits at your organization.


Aspen Schedule Explorer

Learn how Aspen Schedule Explorer’s collaborative environment is enabling flawless execution and building the plant of the future.


Aspen Supply Chain Planner

Maximize business profitability by determining the optimal production plan for even the most complex supply chains. Download this Aspen Supply Chain Planner brochure to learn more.


Aspen Supply Chain Planner

Maximice la rentabilidad de su negocio determinando los planes óptimos de la cadena de suministro incluso para las cadenas de suministro más complejas.


Aspen Unified™

Aspen Unified is the next-generation planning and scheduling solution that enables companies to increase margins and save time by coordinating siloed business processes for better efficiency across the petroleum value chain.

Case Study

Análisis estadístico multivariable encuentra la causa de un problema de alta viscosidad en el aceite de enfriamiento

Una de las empresas más grandes a nivel mundial para productos químicos, plásticos y de refinación utilizó Aspen ProMV para entender y resolver sus problemas de producción causado por un problema de alta viscosidad en el aceite de enfriamiento. En este caso de estudio conozca cómo Aspen ProMV permitió a la empresa a destacar las principales variables de proceso que están altamente correlacionadas con problemas de viscosidad y que guio rápidamente a los ingenieros de proceso al problema subyacente para limitar las pérdidas.

Case Study

Case Study: Chevron Employs APC Best Practices to Get Controllers Online Faster After Unit Turnarounds

Discover how Chevron overcame the challenge of rapidly returning APC controllers to service after unit turnarounds. Using aspenONE APC applications, Chevron reduced the effort required to maintain controller models. In addition to this, Chevron saved thousands of dollars for each day the controller would have been offline.

Case Study

Prescriptive Maintenance Software Helps Saras Improve Business Performance and Drive Operational Excellence

As part of an effort to drive reliability in its refinery operations, Saras turned to Aspen Mtell® prescriptive maintenance to improve equipment uptime and decrease maintenance costs.

Case Study

Digital Transformation with Predictive Maintenance Drives Cost Savings

When this large energy company launched its digital transformation initiative, it turned to Aspen Mtell® to execute an online predictive maintenance pilot on a hydrogen compressor.

Case Study

Reliance Industries Ltd Troubleshoots with Aspen Plus and Saves $2.4M USD per Year

Reliance, an Indian conglomerate, built an Aspen Plus model in-house for a distillation column revamp with Aspen Plus which resulted in increased production by $2.4M/year. Learn how they saved money by building the simulations themselves and coming up with a cost-effective solution.

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