Case Study
혁신을 위한 패스트 트랙: 신제품 개발 시간 및 비용 절감
Qenos 사가 Aspen Plus®의 회분식 모델링을 어떻게 자사의 공정에 적용하여 변화하는 고객의 요구에 맞춰 플랜트 검증 단계를 최소화하고, 고객 맞춤형 제품을 신속하게 시장에 공급할 수 있었는지 실제 사례를 소개합니다.
Case Study
Hitachi Zosen Case Study
ACM is extremely powerful in reducing engineering time by up to 30% for new and novel processes.
Case Study
GlaxoSmithKline Speeds up Batch Release Time: A Study in Digital Transformation
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) wanted to review the structure of its batch production record and associated workflows as part of a continuous improvement process. Reducing batch review time usually results in faster batch cycle time, meaning higher throughput at the production facility and faster cash-to-cash cycle time. AspenTech was selected for this process due to integration with other solutions, such as Aspen InfoPlus.21® and GSK’s existing plant automation software (DCS). The pilot project was a resounding success, reducing order preparation time by 95% and record review time by over 50%.
Case Study
US Railway Saves Millions by Preventing Line of Road Failures
A major transportation company responsible for delivering customer goods on time, safely and reliably, was plagued by catastrophic failures of locomotives that had gone undetected by its current reliability techniques. Using Aspen Mtell to examine data from engine lube oil samples, a leading U.S. railway was able to save millions of dollars.
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