On Demand Webinar

Discover the Origin of Production Losses to Improve Operational Excellence

Hear from industry veterans Stuart Forrest and Paul Talley, on how organizations are increasing uptime, efficiency and utilization with focused attention on high-value problem areas. Find out how AspenTech MES solutions can help you achieve a new level of asset management.

On-Demand Webinar

Webinar with GSK and Wood - Digitalization at Work: Increasing Visibility, Improving Performance and Safety

Where are you in your digitalization journey? Given recent market volatility, many companies are benefiting from early adoption of digital technologies. Innovations like AI and data analytics improve response times and help keep assets running safely and more cost-effectively. Join industry leaders GSK and Wood as they detail progress with their digital strategies including insight into deployment across multiple sites around the world. Hear about their challenges and successes in bringing extended transparency to operations to improve decision making, adapt quickly to new demands and maximize uptime.

On-Demand Webinar

APC Webinar: An Epic Journey from Flatline to Frontline

In this presentation, Dr. Prakash Karpe (retired from leading refiner Phillips 66) will share the fascinating story of how he revived the Advanced Process Control (APC) organization within a Fortune 500 energy company. Under his guidance, the APC organization delivered 4 times more benefits and became one of the most valued organizations within the company in just three years.

On Demand Webinar

How ExxonMobil Uses Aspen DMC3 Builder to Capture More APC Benefits

Leading companies rely on a powerful integrated platform to manage the entire lifecycle of their Advanced Process Control (APC) applications. Download this on-demand webinar and learn how ExxonMobil used key Aspen DMC3 Builder capabilities to improve APC performance, increase production and reduce energy consumption.

On Demand Webinar

Aspen Adsorption™の活用事例紹介

Aspen Adsorptionは、圧力スイング吸着(PSA)や温度スイング吸着(TSA)などの非定常のガス吸着プロセスのシミュレーションソフトで、吸着プロセスの設計や最適化などに利用されています。このセッションでは、Aspen Adsorptionの概要説明、事例紹介、および、デモンストレーションを行います。

On-Demand Webinar

Reduce the Time and CAPEX of Pressure Relief Analysis Projects using an Integrated Process Safety Solution

Do your pressure relief analysis projects include any combination of the following steps: gathering process conditions, sizing PSVs, or completing flare network analysis? Process safety products from AspenTech address each step of your pressure relief analysis work, all within one software suite. Attend this webinar to learn how to best leverage and integrate each of our existing tools to streamline the entirety of pressure relief analysis projects.

On-Demand Webinar

Rapidly Deploy a Refinery-Wide Process Model for Improved Profit Margin Analysis

Learn how refineries can address their reconfiguration and operational challenges with a robust and manageable refinery-wide process model developed using Aspen HYSYS.

On Demand Webinar

Reduce OPEX and Risk with Digital Twins

How fast can you respond to ever-changing conditions and still maintain safe, efficient operations with a remote workforce? As oil & gas, midstream and refining companies look for ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs, there are digital strategies that can have an immediate, positive impact.

On Demand Webinar

Promova analytics na visualização de dados para maximizar o desempenho de toda a empresa

Você sabia que até 73% dos dados de uma empresa não são utilizados? Com tantos dispositivos e processos conectados, é fundamental que as empresas capturem, visualizem e compartilhem mais facilmente esses dados de diferentes áreas funcionais. Participe deste webinar para aprender sobre uma solução inovadora. O Aspen Enterprise Insights ™ é uma solução corporativa de visualização e fluxo de trabalho que oferece suporte à decisões em tempo real.

On-Demand Webinar

Prevent Operational Issues in Gas Treating with Aspen HYSYS®

A small operational issue in dehydration, acid gas treating, or sulfur recovery units can turn into a loss of production—or worse, a frustrating and costly shutdown. Keep on top of operations and prevent issues in design with insight from process simulation designed for accuracy and full gas plant integration. Learn how the latest technology in Aspen HYSYS can empower you to troubleshoot and prevent issues in dehydration units, make confident decisions around acid gas units with predictive modeling and much more!

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