Accelerate Innovation for Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage

Accelerate commercialization at large scale across all stages of CCUS: capture, transportation, utilization and storage. Increase carbon project viability and reduce costs for long-term carbon storage.

Electric Grid Modernization for Power and Utilities

Digital Grid Management Real-time control, optimization and management of complex power networks, from the largest global power providers microgrids. Reliably, securely, and efficiently perform digital grid management while integrating new green energy sources for a reduced carbon footprint.

Accelerate Innovation for the Hydrogen Economy

Accelerate to net zero with AspenTech hydrogen solutions, supporting digitalization to accelerate innovation, execution and scaling of green hydrogen projects across the value chain, from renewables to hydrogen production, to storage and hydrogen delivery to end use.


¿Qué es la IA? Un panorama general “desde los 10,000 pies”

Todos sabemos que la Inteligencia Artificial está preparada para transformar una amplia gama de industrias. Pero seguramente se han preguntado: ¿qué es exactamente la IA?


Resilience and Your Digitalization Strategy

Digital tools can equip businesses to respond to unprecedented change. Learn how digitalization can boost resilience.


The Job Everybody Hates

Traditional statistical tasks involve considerable preprocessing of data. Aspen Maestro™ for Aspen Mtell automates feature selection with less iterations, improving Agent performance.


People, Process and Technology: The Keys to Demand Planning and Forecasting

Today’s technology provides many advantages, but only with the proper people and processes in place can it have the impact you need.


Superando la turbulencia económica en la Industria de Refinación: El rol crucial de la planeación

Las herramientas tecnológicas clave le ayudan a generar valor y ventaja competitiva en tiempos de incertidumbre.


New Paradigms of Sustainable Value in 2021

Sustainability has already started to drive investment in digitalization initiatives to support the need to accelerate innovation and change. The pace of investment will pick up in 2021.


What Is All the Hype Around OTS and Lifecycle Dynamic Modeling?

Find out how owner-operators are seeing real benefits by incorporating lifecycle dynamic modeling into their operator training simulators.

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