
Preparing for the Sustainability Future for Chemicals and Energy

Some insightful takeaways from the recent ARC Strategies report indicating global industry leaders are focused on achieving sustainability targets via digital transformation.


Успешное развитие в условиях «новой нормальности» требует Самооптимизирующихся предприятий

Последнее время, мы много слышим о "новой нормальности" и о том, к чему она приведет, но на самом деле мы точно не знаем, каким будет следующий этап. Будущее по-прежнему будут определять мировые санитарно-эпидемиологические условия, международная политика, изменения в нормативно-правовых актах и общее состояние экономики. Слишком много неизвестных, с которыми мы столкнемся в глобальном масштабе.


What a Time to Be an Engineer

OPTIMIZE 2021 looks to be an exciting opportunity - join us for sessions ranging from digitalization to sustainability to find out why this is a great time to be an engineer!


Win the Game with Early Alerts – There's No Time to Lose

Digitalization, IIoT and Industry/Industrie 4.0 are essential to provide a platform for businesses to respond to industry changes. What does that mean?


Why Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Should Embrace Machine Learning – Now

Asset performance management solutions enable pharmaceuticals companies to protect their supply chain, increase asset utilization and avoid unplanned downtime. Machine learning is key to achieving fast results.


Why Mines Should Prioritize Digitalization in the Current Environment

As mines face myriad challenges due to COVID-19, risk and scenario analysis are more important than ever.


Which Technologies Will Help Determine the Winners in the Energy Transition?

As energy companies navigate short-term profitability and long-term investment in energy transition, digital technology has become the key swing player.


Top Tips for Using Aspen Flare System Analyzer

Get the most of your process safety tools with these best practices.


The AspenTech APM Applications Portfolio

In his latest blog, our author gets down to the nitty-gritty and reviews the APM Portfolio applications that provide the means to achieve more profitable and scalable outcomes.


Understanding the Impact of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

The sum of the preventive, predictive and operational risk layers in a layered defense strategy provides more complete asset performance management and risk protection — easier, cheaper and faster.

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