Improve Production Performance for Downstream

Close the gap between planning, scheduling and operations to maximize profitability and reduce energy usage and CO2 emissions.

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Next Generation Technology for Sustainability and Agility

Increase margins, throughput and energy efficiency with a software suite for planning, scheduling, process control and optimization.

Achieve value demonstrated by other customers:

  • Improve margins $1-5/barrel of crude or $20-40/ton of ethylene
  • Improve energy efficiency 5-25%
  • Reduce specific emissions up to 10%
Video: Achieve Sustainable, Profitable Results with Unified Production Optimization

Balance Profits, Production and Emissions

Energy and chemical companies continue to look for new ways to reduce their carbon footprint and remain profitable. Advancements in optimization technology are helping industry leaders improve production agility and optimize operations while meeting sustainability goals.


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Aspen Unified PIMS

Aspen Unified PIMS™

Improve responsiveness and agility with the most trusted production planning software.

Aspen DMC3

Aspen DMC3™

Closed-Loopでの最適制御運転とプラントテストを同時に実行が可能なAdaptive Technology(特許所得済み)により高度制御導入にかかる時間の短縮化とメンテナンス作業の簡易化を実現

Aspen Unified Reconciliation and Accounting™

Digitally transform your production processes to reduce risk, boost efficiency and ensure regulatory compliance.

Aspen GDOT

Aspen GDOT™
