Scale Up the Hydrogen Economy—Faster and Safer—Digitally

To effectively scale the hydrogen economy to meet ambitious decarbonization goals by 2035, companies must accelerate innovation, increase production and reduce risk. A “born digital” strategy is essential—from project inception across the entire process and asset lifecycle.

Join experts from AspenTech and Emerson as they share insight on a proven, end-to-end solution that delivers unique benefits whatever your company’s role in the hydrogen value chain. Learn how you can leverage proven advances in process modeling, data integration and AI-enabled optimization to:

  • Apply a repeatable design for engineering that integrates renewables and green hydrogen
  • Drive down the cost of hydrogen production while ensuring safe, cost-effective storage and transport
  • Improve decision-making enterprise wide with actionable asset data using first principles and AI modeling
  • Adopt an “operational excellence” approach across all facets of the hydrogen economy, reducing risk and maximizing efficiency

In addition, we highlight several customers who are implementing this digital strategy with measurable results.

Scale Up the Hydrogen Economy—Faster and Safer—Digitally

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Scale Up the Hydrogen Economy—Faster and Safer—Digitally

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