


Superando la turbulencia económica en la Industria de Refinación: El rol crucial de la planeación

Las herramientas tecnológicas clave le ayudan a generar valor y ventaja competitiva en tiempos de incertidumbre.


New Paradigms of Sustainable Value in 2021

Sustainability has already started to drive investment in digitalization initiatives to support the need to accelerate innovation and change. The pace of investment will pick up in 2021.


Navigating Europe's Energy Transition

Recently, we hosted an executive conversation in Europe on digital strategies to navigate today’s energy transition. Hear what companies like MOL Group had to say on this subject.


Preparing for the Sustainability Future for Chemicals and Energy

Some insightful takeaways from the recent ARC Strategies report indicating global industry leaders are focused on achieving sustainability targets via digital transformation.


Which Technologies Will Help Determine the Winners in the Energy Transition?

As energy companies navigate short-term profitability and long-term investment in energy transition, digital technology has become the key swing player.


You Can't Fake Culture

A successful digital transformation program should focus on change management for people, as well as technology. To thrive in the current environment requires a corresponding culture change.


The Sustainability Imperative: A Closer Look

The energy transition and circular economy are driving a need to transform existing business and operating models; this is essential for companies to achieve sustainability objectives.


OPTIMIZE 2021 Supply Chain Management (SCM) Highlights

Our SCM team has curated highlights and insights from OPTIMIZE 2021 available on-demand.


El diseño 3D conceptual crea nuevo valor en FEED

Con la adición de los sistemas de diseño 3D conceptual de OptiPlant, ampliamos nuestro flujo de trabajo de ingeniería en FEED para proporcionar un mayor valor para los EPC, las organizaciones de diseño y los operadores de activos.

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