Aspen Plus

AspenTech's Aspen Plus provides a plant-wide simulation solution that combines unparalleled accuracy and engineering collaboration to drive ROI.

Aspen Energy Analyzer

Aspen Energy Analyzer helps you maximize energy efficiency using the insights and energy-saving suggestions.

Aspen Capital Cost Estimator Online Trials

Accelerate project execution by using volumetric models and one common costing method from conceptual to detailed engineering, leveraging the speed and agility of the market-leading cost estimation solution.

Performance Engineering

AspenTech's performance engineering solution reduces plant CAPEX and OPEX while improving time to market, energy efficiency and profit margins.


Успешное развитие в условиях «новой нормальности» требует Самооптимизирующихся предприятий

Последнее время, мы много слышим о "новой нормальности" и о том, к чему она приведет, но на самом деле мы точно не знаем, каким будет следующий этап. Будущее по-прежнему будут определять мировые санитарно-эпидемиологические условия, международная политика, изменения в нормативно-правовых актах и общее состояние экономики. Слишком много неизвестных, с которыми мы столкнемся в глобальном масштабе.


What a Time to Be an Engineer

OPTIMIZE 2021 looks to be an exciting opportunity - join us for sessions ranging from digitalization to sustainability to find out why this is a great time to be an engineer!


El diseño 3D conceptual crea nuevo valor en FEED

Con la adición de los sistemas de diseño 3D conceptual de OptiPlant, ampliamos nuestro flujo de trabajo de ingeniería en FEED para proporcionar un mayor valor para los EPC, las organizaciones de diseño y los operadores de activos.


Front-End Digital Twins Will Play a Major Role in Improving Project Outcomes

Learn why the development of digital twins for Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) provides better, faster and more efficient ways to approach plant design.


What Does a Practical Visionary Do for an Encore?

Don Victory came to OPTIMIZE 2017 with an idea about conceptual engineering that has since become a reality. What are the odds that this may happen again?

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