Aspen Assay Management now features easy download capabilities for comprehensive crude assay management, allowing for more flexibility in analyzing new crudes.
Aspen Assay Management now features new, efficient search technology to make it easy to retrieve particular crudes or identify those with properties in selected ranges. Integrated assay management enables—adding, modifying, recutting, or deleting assays from within Aspen PIMS with automated updates to your PIMS tables.
Now planners and traders can easily identify the profit potential of a new crude in reference to an existing crude basket. Easily make economic comparisons of the reference case crude basket and new scenarios with an efficient, tightly integrated workflow.
Aspen Assay Management powered with molecular characterization in Aspen PIMS. This patent-pending approach helps planners better characterize their crudes for enhanced property prediction. Better property prediction yields better crude purchase decisions–with increased profitability.
Enhanced flexibility in assay crude property modeling combined with support for user defined index functions streamlines workflow and yields more comprehensive refinery planning.
Learn basic features with computer-based training and instructional videos through “Getting Started” animated tutorials or expand your skill set with brief 3-5 minute “Best Practice” tutorials–all from within the product.