On-Demand Webinar

Aspen Custom Modelerの活用事例紹介

Aspen Custom Modelerは、特殊な反応器、膜やフィルムのプロセス、バイオプロセスなど、Aspen PlusやHYSYSの標準モデルで表すのが困難な場合に利用されています。このセッションでは、Aspen Custom Modelerの概要と活用事例について紹介いたします。

On-Demand Webinar

Streamline Concurrent Simulation Scenarios to Solve Problems Faster

Today, it’s more important than ever to perform rigorous optioneering to find the best solutions for improving process efficiency and asset flexibility. In this webinar, AspenTech’s experts will show how the new Aspen Multi-Case™ dramatically accelerates the evaluation of design and operating scenarios, provides visual tools for selecting the best alternatives and improves overall agility and collaboration across the engineering team.

On-Demand Webinar

Solución de problemas de columnas con gemelos digitales en Aspen Plus y Aspen HYSYS

Las columnas de destilación son unidades problemáticas, que representan uno de los mayores desafíos operativos en la industria de procesos, principalmente porque las condiciones internas son dinámicas y hay una visión operativa limitada de su comportamiento. Los gemelos digitales online y offline ofrecen a los ingenieros y operadores poderosas capacidades para el análisis de columnas y así puedan responder a cambios operacionales de una forma más rápida.

Executive Brief

Keeping your Refinery Right on Schedule

Learn how an advanced scheduling solution can help ensure your refinery stays right on schedule while gaining a competitive advantage in the market.

On-Demand Webinar

Confidently Process Sour Feeds Using New Integrated Models in Aspen HYSYS V9

Amine units and SRUs often restrict the sulfur content that can be safely processed in a gas plant or refineries. Learn how using a full Aspen HYSYS model can allow you to make more informed decisions, considering process requirements and operating costs, around feeds and operating conditions.



White Paper

Digital Emission and Efficiency Monitoring Through Modeling Improves Sustainability and Margins at BPCL’s Kochi Refinery

Today, refineries face the difficult challenge of maintaining and improving their gross refinery margin while meeting increasingly stringent emissions regulations. Refineries need to work in anticipation of new evolving emission regulations. Learn how BPCL Kochi refinery used Aspen HYSYS to develop a real-time refinery-wide digital twin for emissions monitoring enabling them to:

Bulk Chemicals




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