
As We Enter the “Fourth Stage of Industrial Production,” What Do You Need to Know?

Smart manufacturing systems will be at the center of this revolution — it’s time to get familiar with them!


Aspen InfoPlus.21: What Can it Do for You?

So, you think Aspen InfoPlus.21 is just another process historian? Think again…


Working In Silos

In the Pharma Times article “Working in Silos” AspenTech’s Justin Eames discusses the pitfalls of working in silos in the pharmaceutical industry and explains how AspenTech’s solutions can make an impact at speed using predictive analytics. Discover how to predict asset degradation and failure well in advance of an impending breakdown or disruption and gain the ability to make decisions that can not only minimize cost and disruption, but that can also protect public health by ensuring continuity and resulting quality of drug supply.


Digital Transformation: Where is the Value?

As companies look to realize the maximum benefits of knowledge automation, it's critical to focus on enabling "digital workers."


Don’t Rely on the “Check Engine” Light

Ready to move beyond outdated traditional maintenance practices? Harness the power of prescriptive analytics for the earliest warnings of failure.


Digitalization, IIoT, Cloud — That's the Answer, But What's the Question?

Before you make the leap into these shiny new advances, you’ve got to really understand the problem that needs to be solved — or you could be embarking on a misguided technology journey.


Optimizing Global Collaboration in Engineering and Design

Here’s how the right technology can help manage the vast amount of complex data involved any large capital project.


IMO 2020 and Your Refinery

The International Marine Organization is reducing sulfur limits in marine fuel oil. How should your team respond to remain competitive?


Technology Convergence Comes to a "Tipping Point"

At CERAWeek 2018, we'll be exploring how advancements such as machine learning are helping energy companies achieve asset optimization and maximize profitability.


The Black Magic in Upstream: Experience Mixed With Digital Technology

In today's competitive environment, it’s crucial to capture decades of deep process knowledge to run assets at a lower operating cost.

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