White Paper

Low-Touch Machine Learning is Fulfilling the Promise of Asset Performance Management

Traditional preventive maintenance alone cannot solve the problems of unexpected breakdowns. With asset performance management powered by low-touch machine learning, it’s now possible to extract value from decades of process, asset and maintenance data to optimize asset performance. In this white paper, learn how this disruptive technology deploys precise failure pattern recognition with very high accuracy to predict equipment breakdowns months in advance and advise on prescriptive maintenance. The paper also outlines five best practices for driving state-of-the-art reliability management to increase production and profitability.

White Paper

Low-Touch Machine Learning is Fulfilling the Promise of Asset Performance Management

Traditional preventive maintenance alone cannot solve the problems of unexpected breakdowns. With asset performance management powered by low-touch machine learning, it’s now possible to extract value from decades of process, asset and maintenance data to optimize asset performance. In this white paper, learn how this disruptive technology deploys precise failure pattern recognition with very high accuracy to predict equipment breakdowns months in advance and advise on prescriptive maintenance. The paper also outlines five best practices for driving state-of-the-art reliability management to increase production and profitability.

White Paper

Low-Touch Machine Learning is Fulfilling the Promise of Asset Performance Management

Traditional preventive maintenance alone cannot solve the problems of unexpected breakdowns. With asset performance management powered by low-touch machine learning, it’s now possible to extract value from decades of process, asset and maintenance data to optimize asset performance. This white paper describes five best practices for driving state-of-the-art reliability management to predict breakdowns months in advance—increasing production and profitability.

White Paper



White Paper


従来の対処的メンテナンスだけでは、不測の事態に対応できません。手軽な機械学習による資産パフォーマンス管理(APM) により、今や製造工場のスタッフが、何十年にもわたって蓄積してきた設計や運用データから容易に価値を引き出し、資産(主に装置などのハードウェア)のパフォーマンスをより適切に管理して最適化することが可能になりました。本書では、常識を覆すような画期的なテクノロジーがどのように精密な故障パターン認識を使い、高精度に装置の故障を数ヶ月も前に予測し、処方的なメンテナンスをガイダンスするかを説明しています。また、5つのベストプラクティス(運用方法)をご紹介し、最先端の信頼性管理による、さらなる生産効率および利益率の改善手法について述べています。

White Paper



White Paper

Maximice la efectividad de sus equipos mineros y minimice las pérdidas de beneficios

Las compañías mineras invierten fuertemente en activos para todas las etapas del proceso minero: extracción, procesamiento, refinería y distribución del mineral. Al monitorear la condición y el comportamiento de los activos y desarrollar perfiles de operaciones normales, anomalías y fallas, las herramientas de mantenimiento predictivo pueden notificar al personal sobre los problemas del equipo antes de que ocurra falla. Este documento describe cómo el mantenimiento predictivo proporciona a las organizaciones mineras la inteligencia necesaria para:

White Paper

Maximize Mining Equipment Effectiveness, Minimize Margin Loss

Mining companies invest heavily in equipment for all stages of mining, mineral processing, refining and distribution. By monitoring asset condition and behavior and developing profiles of normal operations, anomalies and failures, predictive maintenance tools can notify staff of equipment problems prior to failure. This paper outlines how predictive maintenance provides mining organizations the intelligence needed to:

White Paper

Manufacturing Cost Competitiveness in Commodity Chemicals: Five Essential Principles for Emerging Market Producers

All chemical facilities have opportunities to reduce manufacturing costs, including newer, state-of-the art plants, older plants and those in between. Leading global producers have demonstrated reduced energy consumption, increased yield and higher reliability by simply improving operational practices through the application of advanced technology.

White Paper

Pushing the Reliability Envelope: Digital Optimization for the “Always On” Refinery

AspenTech conducted a survey of 240 downstream customers to uncover thoughts and opinions on digital optimization and industry trends for 2018 and beyond. This white paper details the results of the survey and provides the reader with insights on the focus of increased reliability, a top priority for many refinery organizations.

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