White Paper

Four Keys to Agility and Resilience for EPCs

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) firms with a large presence in the process industries are preparing for a major disruption to their business. The now inevitable scaling back, delaying or cancelling of projects will have a tremendous effect on these companies. A top priority for EPCs, which typically operate on very thin margins and own few assets, will be preserving cash.

White Paper

Optimice el diseño de activos y operaciones con ingeniería de rendimiento

Las soluciones de ingeniería de rendimiento de AspenTech le ayudan a mejorar la productividad y la colaboración de ingeniería. Descargue este White Paper para aprender cómo puede aprovechar la ingeniería de procesos concurrentes y la optimización del ciclo de vida de los proyectos para ser más ágil en la licitación, la ejecución del proyecto y la transferencia de datos digitales del proyecto a su cliente.

White Paper

Optimize Asset Design and Operations with Performance Engineering

AspenTech’s Performance Engineering Solutions can help improve engineering productivity and collaboration. Download this white paper to learn how you can leverage concurrent process engineering and lifecycle project economics to be more agile in bidding, project execution and handover of digital project data to your customer.

White Paper



White Paper

Aspen PIMS-AO Deployment in the Cloud

Digital technology such as cloud computing is transforming the way companies do business. By deploying cloud technology, energy and chemical companies can efficiently process scenarios needed to mitigate business risk even faster. Download this white paper to learn more about the benefits of deploying Aspen PIMS-AO in the cloud and the competitive advantage it provides.

White Paper

Protect Profits and Prevent Margin Loss in Downstream

With downstream margins globally close to a 10-year low, according to S&P Global Platts Analytics and ExxonMobil, companies need to find new areas for improvement. Current digital solutions offer ways plants can move beyond mechanical and equipment investments to drive greater profits. Download this white paper that outlines high impact operational improvements that deliver immediate results.

White Paper

Five Keys to Agility and Resilience through Digitalization for Upstream Oil and Gas

The upstream oil and gas sector has faced a variety of challenges such as unpredictable oil prices, changing patterns of demand and ensuring safe working conditions at remote sites. Accelerated digitalization programs, particularly those that include digital twin technology, can provide agility and resilience to better handle future market uncertainty and lay the foundation for longer term competitive advantage.

White Paper

Digital Twin y la empresa inteligente

En todo el mundo, las organizaciones lideres están adaptando e implementado tecnologías digitales avanzadas. La travesía de transformación digital cambiará la naturaleza de las industrias intensivas de activos, particularmente los negocios de energía y químicos. En ese contexto, Digital Twin — (copias virtuales de activos físicos y sus comportamientos operativos) tendrán papeles clave. Para los gemelos digitales que creemos hoy, un concepto clave es la inteligencia artificial que proporciona información y asesoramiento sobre los datos virtuales. Descargue este White Paper para conocer sobre estas claves esenciales en su estrategia de digital twin:

White Paper

Reach New Heights: Six Best Practices in Planning and Scheduling

Learn the six best practices in planning and scheduling that will enable plants to advance their technological maturity—making your plant more reliable and profitable.

White Paper

Improve Sustainability and Increase Profits in Polymers with Digitalization

In this changing landscape, many companies are incorporating sustainability targets into their business goals, including safety, asset integrity, emissions management and waste reduction. Digitalization technology can offer polymer manufacturing companies opportunities to gain higher returns and drive new levels of optimization.

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