White Paper




Achieving Capital Project Efficiency

With rising capital cost overruns and more projects falling behind schedule, EPCs need an estimating system that enables them to bid on projects precisely and efficiently. Hear Ron Beck, Director of Industry Marketing at AspenTech, describe the unique benefits of Aspen Capital Cost Estimator compared to traditional estimating approaches.

White Paper



White Paper

Modelos híbridos: Combinação de IA e conhecimento do processo para otimizar ativos

A AspenTech® desenvolveu um método para integrar modelos fenomenológicos de simulação de processos e o conhecimento do processo com IA e algoritmos de analytics. O resultado é um sistema de modelagem híbrida que oferece um modelo abrangente e preciso mais rapidamente sem exigir uma experiência significativa.

White Paper

Maximice la efectividad de sus equipos mineros y minimice las pérdidas de beneficios

Las compañías mineras invierten fuertemente en activos para todas las etapas del proceso minero: extracción, procesamiento, refinería y distribución del mineral. Al monitorear la condición y el comportamiento de los activos y desarrollar perfiles de operaciones normales, anomalías y fallas, las herramientas de mantenimiento predictivo pueden notificar al personal sobre los problemas del equipo antes de que ocurra falla. Este documento describe cómo el mantenimiento predictivo proporciona a las organizaciones mineras la inteligencia necesaria para:

White Paper

A Study of Terrain-Induced Slugging in Pipelines Using Aspen Hydraulics Within Aspen HYSYS Upstream

Terrain-induced slugging can cause damage to processing equipment, but predicting slug volumes for sizing slugcatchers is challenging. Learn how Aspen HYSYS can be used to predict slug volumes due to terrain-induced slugging.  

White Paper

Maximize Mining Equipment Effectiveness, Minimize Margin Loss

Mining companies invest heavily in equipment for all stages of mining, mineral processing, refining and distribution. By monitoring asset condition and behavior and developing profiles of normal operations, anomalies and failures, predictive maintenance tools can notify staff of equipment problems prior to failure. This paper outlines how predictive maintenance provides mining organizations the intelligence needed to:

White Paper



White Paper

Achieving Operational Excellence in the Chemicals Industry Using APC

The goal of APC implementation in the chemicals industry is simple: to maximize margins while meeting customer expectations. Aspen DMC3 delivers faster time-to-benefits resulting in a much higher return on investment. Learn how APC is key to achieving operational excellence.

White Paper

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