Executive Brief

Achieving Better Design and Sustainability Outcomes with Concurrent Engineering

The data generated during conceptual design and FEED are quickly becoming more strategic. From understanding emissions and energy use to layout and project costs, owners and their engineering firms are placing more emphasis on early design choices.

Executive Brief

Lograr mejores resultados de diseño y sustentabilidad con Concurrent Engineering

Los datos generados durante el diseño conceptual y FEED se están volviendo cada vez más importantes desde un punto de vista estratégico. Desde la comprensión de las emisiones y el uso de energía hasta una comprensión más completa del diseño y los costos del proyecto, los propietarios y sus empresas de ingeniería están poniendo más énfasis en la comprensión temprana de las opciones de diseño. Pero con la complejidad de los proyectos de diseño, el desarrollo de información que es tan importante a menudo puede ser lento, ineficiente y propenso a errores. Lo que se necesita es un proceso colaborativo más integral, respaldado por herramientas digitales que ayuden a fomentar una creciente sabiduría colectiva sobre el proyecto, a través de disciplinas y partes.

Executive Brief

EPC Perspectives: Accelerating Digital Transformation

EPC firms that were already under stress from the COVID-related downturn are investing heavily in digitalization initiatives. According to a June 2020 McKinsey report, EPCs have an opportunity to double their profitability by embracing a handful of “emerging disruptors.” One of these disruptors, digitalization of processes, is within reach for most EPCs and aligns with efforts and initiatives already underway at many firms.

Executive Brief

Improve Engineering Efficiency and Boost Operating Margins With Digital Excellence Solutions

The process industries are now more than ever being reshaped through digital initiatives, with the intent to become more proficient in designing, building and operating process plants. In this executive brief, read how AspenTech and Hexagon are working together to help engineering firms and plant owners realize their digitalization journey.

Executive Brief

Tecnologías operativas de última generación:Facilitar la empresa inteligente en un mundo cambiante

A medida que las organizaciones en todo el mundo buscan la manera de prosperar en medio de condiciones de mercado volátiles, inciertas, complejas y ambiguas (VUCA por sus siglas en inglés), muchas recurren a las tecnologías de la Industria 4.0 y a las nuevas capacidades de IA para obtener una ventaja competitiva. Descargue este documento para aprender cómo los líderes del mañana crearán no solo la empresa digital, sino una empresa del futuro que sea verdaderamente inteligente, y de igual forma podrán alcanzar la excelencia operativa que será sostenible independientemente de las condiciones del mercado.

Executive Brief

新科技时代 变化的世界成就智能企业


Executive Brief

Next-Generation Operational Technologies Enable the Smart Enterprise in a Changing World

As organizations around the world search for ways to thrive amid volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) market conditions, many are turning to Industry 4.0 technologies and new AI capabilities to gain a competitive edge. Download this paper to learn how tomorrow’s leaders will create not just the digital enterprise — but the truly smart enterprise of the future — and achieve operational excellence that is sustainable regardless of market conditions.

Executive Brief

스마트 엔터프라이즈를 위한 차세대 운영 기술

전세계적으로 시장 상황의 변동성과 불확실성, 복잡성과 모호함이 가중되고 있는 VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) 환경에서 기업들은 경쟁 우위를 확보하기 위해 Industry 4.0과 AI 등 새로운 기술들을 도입하고 있습니다. 이 백서에서 선도적인 기업들이 어떻게 디지털 엔터프라이즈를 뛰어 넘어, 진정한 의미의 미래형 스마트 엔터프라이즈로 거듭나고, 지속 가능한 운영 효율성을 달성할 수 있는지 확인해 보십시오.

Executive Brief

Executive Brief: 5 Best Practices in Capital Project Estimating for the Process Industries

Engineering, Procurement and Construction firms (EPCs) are facing the challenge of fewer and smaller projects out for bid, and win rates are critical for their future success. This executive brief provides the winning combination of industry best practices and software that will allow you to create accurate bids, reduce risk and be more responsive to the changing needs of your customers.

Executive Brief

Executive Brief: EPC Perspectives - Generating New Revenue Streams from Plant Operations & Maintenance

This executive brief highlights the results of a recent survey conducted with Oil & Gas Journal on how EPC firms are pursuing new sources of revenue from the operations and maintenance phases of a project lifecycle.

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