Case Study
How Iberdrola Uses DERMS to Assess Flexibility on a Renewables-Heavy Grid
The Iberdrola Group is driving Spain toward a future powered by 100% renewables. In 2007, Iberdrola made clean energy adoption the central pillar in its corporate strategy. Starting with large investments in wind energy, the company has since evolved to develop and deploy utility-scale solar, energy storage, smart grids and digital technologies.
Case Study
PNM Uses Real-Time, Transmission DERMS to Decarbonize Generation Portfolio
During a time of great change, Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) remains the state’s largest electricity provider, serving more than 530K New Mexico residential and business customers. In 2019, New Mexico passed the Energy Transition Act, which mandates PNM and other utilities generate 100% carbon-free electricity by 2045.
Case Study
Integrated DER Management Enables SMUD® to Meet Aggressive Clean Energy Goals
As the nation’s sixth-largest community-owned, not-for-profit, electric service provider, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) has been providing reliable electricity for more than 70 years to Sacramento County. SMUD is an industry leader and award winner for innovative energy programs, renewable power technologies and sustainable solutions for a healthier environment.
Case Study
OCP Ecuador Uses Prescriptive Maintenance to Accurately Identify Asset Failure and Reduce Maintenance Costs
OCP Ecuador is a midstream oil and gas company that transports, stores and ships crude oil. With assets installed in remote locations along its 485-kilometer pipeline, the company needed a maintenance solution that would enable them to predict and prevent equipment failures before they occurred. With Aspen Mtell® prescriptive maintenance, the company can now continuously monitor its critical assets for impending failure, using both process and mechanical data.
Case Study
DuPont Migrates Data to Aspen IP.21 in Hours Not Weeks
Learn how DuPont, one of the world’s largest producers of chemicals and science-based products, successfully migrated over 23 years of historical data in Aveva PI to Aspen InfoPlus.21® in less than 4 days while reducing implementation costs by 45%.
Case Study
Grupo MOL impulsiona a digitalização em parceria com a AspenTech
Neste estudo de caso, saiba como a MOL adicionou recentemente o software Aspen Mtell® da suíte de software AspenONE® Asset Performance Management (APM) ao seu portfólio de soluções AspenTech para aumentar a eficiência a eficiência operacional e aumentar a sustentabilidade. Isso contribuiu significativamente para as operadoras na aceleração dos planos de digitalização. A Aspen Mtell tornou-se parte integrante do plano estratégico de digitalização da MOL, que inclui iniciativas para extrair maior valor de seus ativos e aumentar a disponibilidade geral da planta para mais de 96%.
Case Study
OCP Ecuador usa manutenção prescritiva para identificar falhas de ativos e reduzir custos de manutenção
A OCP Ecuador é uma empresa midstream de óleo e gás que transporta, armazena e embarca óleo cru. Com ativos instalados em locais remotos ao longo de seu oleoduto de 485 quilômetros, a empresa precisava de uma solução de manutenção que permitisse prever e prevenir falhas de equipamentos antes que elas ocorressem. Com a manutenção prescritiva Aspen Mtell®, a empresa agora pode monitorar continuamente seus ativos críticos quanto a falhas iminentes, usando dados mecânicos e de processo.
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