Case Study

Petro Rabigh Uses Aspen Hybrid Models™ to Improve Margin and Reduce Operational Risk

Petro Rabigh wanted to improve margins for refinery products, to do so, they needed to identify the most optimal production yields and qualities of their refinery and petrochemical products.

Case Study

Shell Accelerates Planning, Improves Margins with Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud

Shell’s Manufacturing Margin Optimization team uses AspenTech solutions to optimize its energy and petrochemicals business, including planning and scheduling applications. In a highly collaborative global project with AspenTech, Shell successfully deployed Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud resulting in margin uplift, improved work-life balance and reduced IT costs. Read this case study to learn how you can improve margins with Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud.

Case Study

Shell Accelerates Planning, Improves Margins with Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud

Shell’s Manufacturing Margin Optimization team uses AspenTech solutions to optimize its energy and petrochemicals business, including planning and scheduling applications. In a highly collaborative global project with AspenTech, Shell successfully deployed Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud resulting in margin uplift, improved work-life balance and reduced IT costs. Read this case study to learn how you can improve margins with Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud.

Case Study

壳牌利用Aspen PIMS-AO云部署加速计划业务并提高利润

壳牌的制造业利润优化团队使用AspenTech解决方案优化其能源和石化业务,包括规划和调度应用程序。 在与AspenTech高度合作的全球项目中,壳牌成功地在云上部署了Aspen PIMS-AO,从而提高了利润率,改善了工作与生活的平衡,降低了IT成本。阅读本案例研究,了解如何在云中使用Aspen PIMS-AO提高利润率。

Case Study

Refinery Optimizes Middle Distillate System in Real Time with Aspen GDOT™

Learn how one of world’s largest multinational energy companies used Aspen GDOT to maximize production of specific diesel and jet fuel products at one of its refineries. By using real-time optimization across multiple APC units, the refinery was able to decrease sulfur giveaway by 70%. Download this case study to learn how you can optimize production and reduce product giveaway.

Case Study

Refinería optimiza tren de destilados medios en tiempo real con Aspen GDOT™

Aprenda cómo una de las compañías de energía multinacionales más grandes del mundo uso Aspen GDOT en una de sus refinerías para maximizar la producción de diésel especifico y de jet. Al usar optimización en tiempo real a través múltiples unidades de APC, la refinería fue capaz de reducir en un 70% el regalo de azufre. Descargue este caso de estudio para conocer cómo puede optimizar su producción y reducir el regalo de calidad de su producto.

Case Study

Refinería en Reino Unido incrementa producción de destilados medios con Aspen GDOT™

Descargue este caso de estudio para conocer cómo una refinería en el Reino Unido utilizó Aspen GDOT para incrementar su producción de destilados medios en un 10%. La tecnología de lazo cerrado se ajusta automáticamente a múltiples unidades de proceso con base en condiciones cambiantes para mantener la consistencia del producto y mejorar el desempeño global de la refinería. Descubra cómo puede hacer que sus operaciones sean más rentables al utilizar Aspen GDOT.

Case Study

UK Refinery Increases Middle Distillate Production with Aspen GDOT™

Download this case study to learn how a refinery in the UK used Aspen GDOT to increase middle distillate production by 10%. The closed loop optimization technology, adjusts multiple process units in real-time to maintain product consistency and improve overall refinery performance. Discover how you can drive more profitable operations with Aspen GDOT.

Case Study

Leading Refiner Reduces Planning Run Times from Hours to Minutes and Finds Profitable Solutions

Learn how this world leader in refining reduced planning runtime from 30 hours to 90 minutes, making the process 95% faster and allowing them to respond to market changes much faster.

Case Study

Global Supermajor Deploys Aspen PIMS-AO™ Globally

This case study details the methodical approach a global supermajor took, utilizing best-in-class technology, to improve production planning in global refineries and chemical plants with Aspen PIMS-AO technology. Based on side-by-side testing of different technologies, Aspen PIMS-AO led to new insights, increased confidence in results and enhanced conversations with traders.

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