Pharma, pharmaceuticals, digital transformation, AI, articifial intelligence

February 05, 2021

Preparing for Paris

Author: Lawrence Schwartz

Digitalization is essential to supporting corporate sustainability goals given the renewed global focus on energy consumption, carbon reduction and efficiency.


February 03, 2021

APM and AI Myth Busting and the Critical Role of New Technologies

Author: Steve Hillock

As APM and other transformative technologies gain traction in our industries, it’s important to share examples of success and dispel any remaining myths around AI. Steve Hillock shares his POV here.


January 28, 2021

Looking Forward to a New Arc for Digital Transformation

Author: Laura Stridiron

How will digital transformation help capital-intensive industries face the challenges and hurdles in 2021? This year’s #ARCForum2021 should provide some answers.


January 14, 2021

Planning for the Unpredictable in Your Plant

Author: Heath Stephens, P.E.

Statistical methods can be used to improve plant efficiency. Aspen Fidelis can help you make smart capital investment choices during plant design or expansion.

manufacturers who could see as much as a %  reduction in energy use

December 22, 2020

Chemicals' Challenges on the Way to a Circular Economy

Author: Paige Marie Morse

Solutions that address the challenge of the circular economy exact particular demands for the chemical industry. Products and processes must be redesigned to cut emissions and waste and extend materia...

metals, mining, Australia, process improvements

November 17, 2020

Thinking Outside Your Industry: Miners on the Move

Author: Tim Hopkins

Challenging the status quo is at the forefront of innovation and advancement to your business. Explore ways organizations have looked outside their industries to take advantage of proven technology to...

Pharma, pharmaceuticals, digital transformation, AI, articifial intelligence

November 11, 2020

Take the Shackles Off – Think Big

Author: Justin Eames

Automated data science systems aimed at the broad engineering base of qualified users create an opportunity to prepare data and develop models faster.

oil and gas, energy, coronavirus, 2020, transition

November 09, 2020

Has COVID-19 Defined a New Path for the Energy Industry?

Author: Dr. Carole Nakhle

The prevailing sentiment is that COVID-19 shock will be transitory and that the economy, energy demand and prices will adjust. So far, the crisis has left us with more questions than answers.

machine learning, food and beverage

November 05, 2020

Eliminating Equipment Downtime and Driving Process Improvements

Author: Cheryl Armand

Imagine a scenario where everyone involved in a process agrees on the best course of action based on facts vs. assumptions. Unlock the benefits of multivariate analytics with AspenTech APM solutions.

000, predictive maintenance, prescriptive maintenance

November 04, 2020

Driving Safety, Environmental and Breakdown Incidents to 0, 0, 0

Author: Mike Brooks

Implementing AI-based APM solutions addresses unexpected breakdowns before they happen, resulting in improvements in safety and environmental performance, minimized losses and improved productivity.

APM, AI, Prescriptive maintenance, prescriptive analytics

October 29, 2020

A New Generation of Asset Performance Management Solutions

Author: Robert Golightly

A new generation of APM solutions delivers value that’s visible well beyond the maintenance department.

APM, AI, SOP, predictive, prescriptive maintenance

October 28, 2020

Is Your AI Industrial?

Author: Lawrence Schwartz

Purpose-built for the process industry, there are five enhancements that make AI suitable for industrial applications, including scalability and enhanced safety, efficiency and sustainability.
