AI, machine learning, V12 PIMS-AO, HYSYS, AspenPlus

November 19, 2020

Rompa la barrera de lo que es posible con Aspen Hybrid Models

Author: Ron Beck

El lanzamiento de Aspen Hybrid Models dentro de la nueva versión de software V12 da un paso adelante para las industrias de Oil & Gas, midstream, downstream, petroquímicos y químicos especializados.

AI, machine learning, V12 PIMS-AO, HYSYS, AspenPlus

October 08, 2020

Push the Boundary of What's Possible with Aspen Hybrid Models™

Author: Ron Beck

The release of Aspen Hybrid Models in our V12 software release provides a major step forward for oil and gas, midstream, refining, petrochemicals and specialty chemicals.

Energy, Pharmaceuticals, Pharma, Polymers

September 29, 2020

Aspen Hybrid Models: The Next Generation of Process Simulation Technology

Author: Ron Beck

Aspen Hybrid Models promise a new generation of innovative process modeling. Learn why, and how this will change the course of the chemical and hydrocarbon industry.


September 16, 2020

Preparing for the Sustainability Future for Chemicals and Energy

Author: Paige Marie Morse

Some insightful takeaways from the recent ARC Strategies report indicating global industry leaders are focused on achieving sustainability targets via digital transformation.

Polymers chemicals sustainability

July 10, 2020

Polymers Producers Must Continue to Improve Sustainability and Responsibility

Author: David Tremblay

With current supply chain disruptions and fluctuating demand, digitalization offers polymers manufacturers new ways to drive improvements in sustainability.
